A Message from Our CEO - May 2024

MLS Calendar for 2023-2024

We look forward with excitement to the 2023-2024 school year at Martin Luther School. To view the calendar for the next school year, please click here. Please watch this page for additional details about the school year as they are announced. In the meantime, email us with any questions at [email protected]. Thank you!

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A Message from our Staff

As we turn the page on another year, I want to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. The past few years have been challenging for us all. Still, I am proud of the way our MLS community has come together to support one another and persevere through these difficult times. As […]

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MLS Messenger

As December brings in the cold weather, we are coming together as a school community to stay warm. Our students will gather around our fireplace to participate in a winter community read, where staff will share their favorite winter book with students. We also hold upper and lower school gatherings; at these events, we honor […]

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A Message from Our Lower School Principal

I am excited to say that we are in the beginning of November! I look forward to the continued growth of our students. As the principal of grades K-5, I rejoice daily at the dedication of our students and staff, who demonstrate a willingness to grow. As stewards of the academics, we teach your children, […]

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A Message for Our Principal

FROM THE DESK OF MS. SASHA: Dear Martin Luther School Students and Families, What’s going on in High School? In other schools, students learn their schedule in the first couple of weeks and try to get around the school. At Martin Luther, it’s an experience! We kicked off our school year by planning foundational trips […]

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A Message from Our School Director | September 2022

Each new school year, we enthusiastically greet you by saying Sawubona! This Zulu greeting means “I see you.” The response is Ngikhona means “I am here.” We have come to love the depth of meaning in this Zulu greeting and the grateful response because it represents our community. We ensure our students are seen, heard, […]

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A Message from Our Principal | May 2022

FROM THE DESK OF MR. RAFIQ: Dear Martin Luther School Students and Families, What would you do as an educator or parent if you knew what your student(s) needed academically? I am sure you would do all you could to meet those needs and improve their chance of success. At MLS, this is our everyday […]

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MLS Calendar for 2022-2023

We look forward with excitement to the 2022-2023 school year at Martin Luther School. To view the calendar for the next school year, please click here for English and here for Spanish. Please watch this page for additional details about the school year as they are announced. In the meantime, email us with any questions […]

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This month, we highlight all of our dedicated educators. Educators don’t just teach lessons; they prepare our students for life! Our MLS staff are some of the most dedicated educators in the Delaware Valley — they motivate, inspire, and empower our students to grow! Please take a moment to thank an educator in your life! […]

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A Message from Our School Director | March 2022

Supporting Important Movements by Keeping It Real What do the attack on Ukraine and Black Lives Matter have in common? For one thing, both things are about a group of people who desire freedom above all else. In the case of BLM, it is the freedom to live in a country devoid of racism. For […]

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A Message from Our Principal | Feb 2022

From the Desk of Mr. Rafiq: Dear Martin Luther School Students and Families, When I was in school, the only time that I was introduced to the contributions of African Americans was during the month of February. This was culturally insensitive to the few African American students in the school- as if we only mattered […]

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A Message from Our School Director | January 2022

From the Desk of Ms. Eva: Dear MLS Families, This month, we celebrate our January national holiday — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Our Dean of Students, Mr. Robert Love, captured the day with this message to our staff: As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I encourage everyone to take some […]

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Plan for Return to In-Person Instruction

Dear MLS Families and Educational Partners, Martin Luther School will continue with virtual learning and return to in-person programming on February 1, 2022. Safety is always our priority at Martin Luther School. With the contagiousness of the Omicron variant, we believe that our students need the consistency that our virtual environment provides. Please know that […]

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A Message from Our School Director | December 2021

From the Desk of Ms. Eva: Dear MLS Families, Is it possible that winter break is upon us? With the fourth month of school coming to an end, our students have accomplished so much. They are reading and writing, working on challenging math and science problems, and learning about the world in Social Studies. Music, […]

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A Message from Our School Director | November 2021

From the Desk of Ms. Eva: Dear MLS Families, We meet as a school staff every week, and lately, we have been starting with book talks. This is a time for someone to share a book they particularly enjoy. At MLS, we believe that it is essential for adults to model the behavior they want […]

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School Reopening Safety Plan 2021-2022

Please see this link for details of our School Reopening Health and Safety Plan for Martin Luther School for the current 2021-2022 School Year. If any questions, please call 610-825-4440, ext. 4303. Thank you!

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A Message from Our School Director | October 2021

From the Desk of Ms. Eva: Dear MLS Families, When we started this school year, I knew there would be challenges. Still, I was not expecting to spend hours becoming an expert in negotiating COVID-19 and getting our students routed for transportation. The MLS Admin team weighs all the options to keep our students and […]

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A Message from Our Principal | September 2021

From the Desk of Mr. Rafiq: Dear Martin Luther School Students and Families, I love the great start to this exciting school year, transportation issues aside! It is a pleasure to serve you in my second year as principal! While we continue to operate amid a pandemic, I want to assure you that we are […]

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Message from Our School Director | May 2021

From the Desk of Ms. Eva: Greetings, This issue of the MLS Messenger is entirely dedicated to you – the students, staff, and families! The last 15 months of COVID-19 have been one of the most challenging and remarkable events in our lifetime. And yet, we stayed true to our mission, vision, and values. Together, […]

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Message from Our School Director April 2021

From the Desk of Ms. Eva: Greetings, MLS is gearing up for ESY, with an option for hybrid and virtual instruction! Our hybrid program will have students attending on-campus Monday through Thursday, with a virtual day on Friday. Our new Virtual Academy option will be five days a week. The building is buzzing as we […]

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MLS Calendar for 2021-2022

We look forward with excitement to the 2021-2022 school year at Martin Luther School. Please click “Read More” below to view the calendar for the next school year.

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Message from Our School Director March 2021

From the Desk of Ms. Eva: Greetings, We  know we are not going back to normal; each day brings a new normal. This year has been filled with mastering all kinds of ways to be a school. Despite the challenges, our students continue to grow and learn. Many schools are experiencing a lag in academic […]

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Message from the School Director Feb 2021

From the Desk of Ms. Eva: MLS is busy celebrating Black History Month. It’s an exciting time of year filled with the celebration of thousands of amazing African American and Black authors, scientists, artists, inventors, dissenters — the list goes on and on. As a school director with over 30 years of experience, I long […]

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Message from the School Director Dec 2020

From the desk of Ms. Eva: Happy Holidays, MLS community! Here we are at the end of 2020. It has been a privilege to share this crazy pandemic journey with you. We have experienced days with sorrow and frustration, as well as joy and accomplishment. More importantly, we have held strong as a community, seeing […]

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MLS Updates for Families 9/29/2020

Dear MLS Families, It is hard to believe we are at the end of September! Virtual schooling is filled with incredible opportunities, as well as unique challenges. I have visited classes to see our students fully engaged in learning! Our fourth graders were solving for a rectangle area and were able to brainstorm three different […]

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MLS Update for Families 9/11/2020

Hello MLS Families, Our journey for the 2020-2021 school year has started! Our week was filled with meeting our students either on-campus or in the neighborhood as we distributed over 1,500 books and school supplies. What a joy it was to see everyone. While buses are not pulling up to campus, we are on the […]

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Martin Luther School ReOpening Announcement

Dear Martin Luther School Family, With deep respect and consideration for our students, staff, and families, Martin Luther School will begin the year virtually. We made this decision based on the complex issues of the COVID pandemic, knowing that the school community would be affected tremendously. More than anything, we want to return to the […]

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Message from Our School Director

Dear MLS Families, Sawubona! This Zulu greeting means “I see you.” The response is Ngikhona, which means “I am here.” I love the depth in this greeting and the grateful reply. Each day at Martin Luther School, whether in-person or virtually, we make sure our students are seen, heard, and known! Even amid the pain our country is […]

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Meet MLS!

Thank you for visiting the Martin Luther School section of the Gemma Services website! Martin Luther School is an Approved Private School providing special education for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. We hope these pages provide you with initial information about our vision and mission for our school community, academics and curriculum, and support […]

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